Saturday, June 7, 2014

Vintage Sewing Notions Grab Bag

I purchased a grab bag of vintage sewing notions at the thrift store.
Most of the notions are from the 30s or 40s,
here are the most interesting ones.
And a hidden treasure. . . 

(click on any of the pictures to enlarge for a better view)

 Clair's Hem Facing with matching thread, Bondex hot iron mending tape

 Press On Scuffs for pant cuffs (far left).
2 Talon "slide fasteners" (before they were called zippers)  in unopened packages.
Talon paper insert that would have come with a zipper (3rd from left).

The "Skuffs" were to prevent wear to your trouser cuffs. They feel like heavy flannel. 
They were meant to be ironed on to the wrong side of your pants at the cuff edge where they would rub against the heel of your shoe. 
See pic below.

Taffeta Seam Binding, I love the graphics!

Below is a pic of the back of the zippers.
But the best part was when I unfolded the zipper pamphlet:

To a patternista like me it was the best thing in the bag!!


  1. Wow, look at that art, how beautiful! What a wonderful surprise. I almost picked up a vintage invisible zipper at a thrift store today, but it smelled like cat pee. D: I was so bummed (and grossed out).

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  3. I have purchased tons of vintage notions but sadly, have NEVER found a cool pamphlet like that. I did find two silver dollars in a pattern once - I wondered why it felt so heavy! Some ladies have told me they've found as much as $100 hidden in patterns so hubby couldn't find it. I've never found folding money

    1. That's neat, I always love to find unexpected goodies in pattern envelopes. How interesting that women used to hide money in their patterns.
